The Calico Trail Run takes place in the historic Calico ghost town and mining district. Participants in this race will travel along a rugged trail that provides them with amazing views of the Calico Mountains, making this a truly unforgettable event!
When: January (This trail race takes place in January each year. Visit race website link below for details.)
Location: California, United States Geographic Area: Calico Mountains
Nearby City: Calico
Event 1:
Race Length: 50 km (31.1 mi)
Elevation Gain:
3,893 feet (+125 ft/mi)
Elevation Loss: 3,887 feet (-125 ft/mi)
High Point: 3,500 feet
Low Point: 2,000 feet
Event 2:
Race Length: 30 km (18.6 mi)
High Point: 3,500 feet
Low Point: 2,000 feet
Additional Information
Website URL: (opens new window)
Phone: 760-244-7321
Camping will be available in Calico, if desired.
Race Reports For Calico Trail Run
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Submitted On: 10/28/2008