The Honey Stinger Emerald Mountain Epic in gorgeous Steamboat Springs, CO attracts some of the nation's best trail running racers while still offering incredible opportunities for athletes of all skill levels to enjoy. Our race is a uniquely rewarding and challenging experience with some significant elevation gains.
FULL Marathon: 26.2 miles with approximately 3,300 feet of elevation gain.
HALF Marathon: 13.1 miles with approximately 1,500 feet of elevation gain.
When: August (This trail race takes place in August each year. Visit race website link below for details.)
Location: Colorado, United States Geographic Area: Howelsen Hill
Nearby City: Steamboat Springs
Event 1:
Race Length: 26.2 miles (42.2 km)
Elevation Gain:
3,300 feet (+126 ft/mi)
Additional Information
Website URL: (opens new window)
Race Director: EmeraldMountainEpic
Race Reports For Honey Stinger Emerald Mountain Epic
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Submitted On: 4/02/2021 By: EmeraldMountainEpic (Race Director)
Editors: mtwomey