The "Lost Sierra" is a 50-kilometer (32- mile) long foot race with a 14-mile short course option that starts and ends in the town of Graeagle in the Plumas National Forest.
Race Date: This race has been discontinued.
Location: California, United States
Nearby City: Truckee
Event 1:
Race Length: 32 miles (51.5 km)
Elevation Gain:
6,500 feet (+203 ft/mi)
Elevation Loss: 2,000 feet (-63 ft/mi)
High Point: 7,556 feet
Low Point: 4,360 feet
70% dirt trails, 25% dirt roads, 5% paved
Additional Information
Website URL: (opens new window)
Race Director: tlynnk13
Phone: 5305452580
The Lost Sierra Endurance Run is a 50- kilometer (32- mile) long foot race, highlighting some of the most incredible terrain and scenic beauty the northern Sierra has to offer. And it includes our favorite network of trails in the spectacular Lakes Basin Recreation Area. The racecourse starts in downtown Graeagle, climbs to the crest of the Sierra, skirts the edges of a half-dozen alpine lakes, summits two rugged peaks, and then descends 4,000’ back into Graeagle for the finish.
Race Reports For Lost Sierra 50k Endurance Run
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Submitted On: 9/03/2012 By: tlynnk13 (Race Director)
Modified On: 2/26/2016
Editors: gocamp10