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Breaking New Ground (Again)

Joined: 07 Oct 2014
Posts: 1
Utah, United States
Posted: Tue 07 Oct 2014 05:58 am GMT   topTop
Hello everyone, my name is Taylor. I look forward to talking to everyone.

I left the military in 2009 after breaking my lumbar spine, and had to give up ultra running and triathlons in 2010. Since then, I've fought with doctors, avoided surgery, and nearly drove myself insane from physical therapy. Early this summer, I got the "all clear" and some amazed looks from my doctors, and have spent the past few months cautiously ensuring that I'm injury free and that my body can take swimming, cycling, running, and light weight training again. I'm elated to say that I'm there, albeit with a little bit of discomfort from time to time.

When I originally started running ultras in 2006, I was in poor shape, but rapidly advanced from half-marathons to 50km and 50mi. I would certainly love to start breaking into distance running again, even if I plateau at 25km. My question, for anyone that has any advice, is what's the best way to kick four years of being out of shape (not by choice)? Would X-training be the best approach? I've unfortunately gained some weight over the years too, and sit at about 210# right now (6'00", also 35 years old). Any advice on running at a weight I never thought I could reach safely would be greatly appreciated. Has anyone else had a similar experience, either with weight or being out of shape for so long?

I appreciate your time and look forward to a conversation or two in the future!

Joined: 25 Aug 2006
Posts: 197
Utah, United States
Posted: Wed 08 Oct 2014 09:18 pm GMT   topTop
Tay - Thanks for your post. You have a lot of determination - stories like yours are inspiring. Glad to hear you are back. I can't say I've had a comeback experience like yours so I don't know how to relate exactly. But most likely, basic training rules still apply: Increase mileage gradually (ie, the standard rule of no more than 10% mileage increase per week), and listen to your body (sharp pains that impede running form = bad ... vs normal aches and soreness). Proceed cautiously as you are doing, and you'll eventually be back. It may take a long time, but if you are enjoying the process and being able to be active again, it's all good, right? You might also consider the type of shoes you wear: cushioned shoes like Hokas, or somethign less cushy, can be very helpful for a recovering body and in handling extra impact forces from weight we wish we didn't have.
Joined: 01 Nov 2014
Posts: 26
Kentucky, United States
Posted: Sun 02 Nov 2014 02:47 pm GMT   topTop
How's it going Tbone? (makes me think of that Seinfeld episode where George wants the nickname! Coco!!) You've got about a month under yer belt since the original post and I'm wondering if that all important time-on-the-trails has resulted in any significant physical and/or mental results?

Puppy and I ran in the season's first snow yesterday with windchill around 25F; tomorrow it's gonna be low 60s....because it's inevitable, I do prefer this type of incremental acclimatization - howz the weather out west?/K