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Cougar Snack a little joke.

Joined: 26 Jul 2008
Posts: 15
South Dakota, United States
Posted: Mon 25 Aug 2008 05:42 am GMT   topTop
Cougar Snack I have to say I love your avatar and screen name. It makes me think of a funny story (at least from my perspective). A co-worker had just moved to the Black Hills from Michigan and was very paranoid about Cougars. He was a decent runner, but on the small side of the human race. He stood about 5’6 and weighed about 100 pounds when wet. I say he is on the small side, just as I am on the other end. I stand 6’6” and easily push 250 pounds (dry).

We were deep on a backcountry trail when I finally got tired of his keys jingling from his camelbak. He would hang his keys off a clip so they would jingle, I guess to ward off Mountain Lions. I finally told him to put the keys in his pack, they were way to annoying. He obliged, but asked what I did to protect myself from Mountain Lions. I told him I had one sure fire way of protecting myself from the ferocious felines. His ears perked up and he quickly pleaded with me to share with him this coveted secret. I told him when ever I am going into Mountain Lion Country I protect myself by always making sure I take someone smaller with me. He stopped dead in his tracks and I could hear his shouts of, “that’s not funny!” echo down the trail as I left him behind.

Yes, he did continue running and biking trails with me.
Joined: 25 Aug 2006
Posts: 197
Utah, United States
Posted: Sun 31 Aug 2008 05:09 am GMT   topTop
Clydesdale - I'm not sure where Cougarsnack is -- she hasn't been around for awhile. Too bad! Funny story though :-)
Joined: 30 Aug 2006
Posts: 99
California, United States
Posted: Sun 31 Aug 2008 02:58 pm GMT   topTop
Hee hee.. it IS funny, unless you're the smaller guy. :-D I've run next to people who have who-knows-what rattling around in their packs, and can't figure out why it doesn't bother them. One guy in fact stopped dead on the trail, didn't step off to let anyone get by easily, and reached into his waistpack for, not Tylenol or salt tabs, but Tic Tacs! He popped a couple and then continued on his oblivious way. Made me wish cougars had a preference for minty meat.

Sorry, yes, I've been AFK for quite some time. Have taken an extended break from trail running, but am hoping to find my way back there soon.


[edited: Sun 31 Aug 2008 03:01 pm]
Joined: 25 Aug 2006
Posts: 197
Utah, United States
Posted: Tue 16 Sep 2008 07:10 pm GMT   topTop
Good to hear from you Cougarsnack! Be sure to stop by here when you can.
Joined: 07 Jul 2009
Posts: 15
North Carolina, United States
Posted: Tue 07 Jul 2009 08:26 pm GMT   topTop
How do you tell the difference between raccoon and cougar scat?

Raccoon is smaller and has little berry seeds in it. Cougar is larger and has keys in it.

[edited: Tue 07 Jul 2009 08:29 pm]