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Need a new headlamp after my terrifying trail run today.

Joined: 06 Nov 2015
Posts: 1
Oregon, United States
Posted: Fri 06 Nov 2015 06:06 am GMT   topTop
I have a cheapo of one that is always in my pack and had to use it today. It is really not brite enough. Anybody have a suggestion for a good and bright headlamp for the trails?

Joined: 25 Aug 2006
Posts: 196
Utah, United States
Posted: Fri 13 Nov 2015 12:18 am GMT   topTop
There are actually a number of good ones out there. Look at REI.com or other reliable store with reviews. The Petzl Nao is super bright, and uses some very advanced technology for "reactive lighting". But it's also super expensive. Otherwise you can go with a number of other brands. I have a few Black Diamond headlamps. I don't have any with the battery pack on the back of the head because it seems too cumbersome for most uses -- but in an ultramarathon or if you wanted long battery life and/or extra brightness I'm sure the ones with the extra battery unit on the back is the way to go.
Joined: 31 Aug 2016
Posts: 2
Oregon, United States
Posted: Wed 31 Aug 2016 11:25 pm GMT   topTop
I have a Black Diamond Sprinter that is very nice. However, when I run steep forest trails at night I'm always scared I'm going break my ankle, or even my neck. So, I bought two fairly inexpensive headlamps (Foxelli USB Rechargeable). I removed them from the straps and attached them to a running belt (Nathan 5K). The lamps are mounted on the front belt straps just inside my hip bones and aim down at about 45 degrees. I squirted superglue into the tilt joints to keep the lamps locked at that angle. Then the battery packs are mounted in the rear on either side of the belt pouch. It took a bit of hand sewing, but everything is very secure and never gets in the way of my arms. So, now I've got my Black Diamond headlamp aimed forward for judging what's coming up in the distance. Then my belt lamps create a bright "skirt" of light a few yards around my feet. I feel a lot more confident running at night. The main thing is you want the belt lights to aims downward enough do none of their light shines in you eyes. Otherwise, the light from below will tend to blind you rather than help you. I imagine you could also mount them to a vest. But I'm not really into vests personally.
Joined: 05 Jan 2017
Posts: 4
Arizona, United States
Posted: Thu 05 Jan 2017 01:31 am GMT   topTop
coast hl7 ($35) is very bright and nice continuous brightness adjustment. Light is cast evenly in a cone. 3 AAA battery pack and back of head--never a problem for me. For really technical night runs I'll throw a cheap-o headband around my waist, facing up (angle works better).